Back on Earth...
In ongoing campaign to rip everything off of Ben's Bengineering blog, I have decided to add a new segment today.
Today's Freebie is Phage Wars 2
Phage Wars 2 by the prolific game developer Armor games is a real-time strategy game. I say 'strategy' hesitantly. While the game is very engaging, I wouldn't exactly call it thought provoking and once you get the knack of it, it's more of a click-fest than anything else. None the less, the game is fun and addicting.
The idea is that you are a scientist who somehow controls the spread of a virus within his lab environment. You are trying to design the perfect virus. How do you design the perfect virus? Why by beating all of the levels, I mean experiments.
As you see here, each level contains several 'cells'. You can move your virus by clicking on the cell to move from and the cell to move to. The idea is to spread out and occupy more cells than your opponent. Once you own all the cells you win the level.
When you beat a level you earn a bonus that you can add to your virus by 'sequencing' its dna. The system is very simple and the bonuses you earn make the game very easy.
My recommendations?
One, Play Phage Wars 2, it's fun.
Two, Don't waste too much time reading the readme, it's not as complicated as they want you to think it is.
Three, drink some sweet tea, you know you want to.
btw, if you liked my background, check out the webcomic, The Next Adventure
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
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