Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Format

Back on Earth...

I have decided to work a new format in to keep my blog posts shorter and more frequent.  I think my lengthy irregular posts may be obnoxious to some of my more dedicated fans.  Not to mention, it really just makes for a blog that's hard to keep up with.  From now on, I'll be premising things with "Back on Earth..." or "Back on that alien planet."

Several weeks ago I tried a amateur writer's site.  I didn't like it all that much.  I was going to try another one, but I decided I'd try something different instead.  I've started going to a play by post RPG website.  I have not yet started playing a game, but the features they offer seem to be very promising.  I applied for three different RPGs and I recieved a response from one so far.  Not an invite, but a response none-the-less and I just started yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Just remember to get out of there if they ask to yiff.
