The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.
That is until PETA comes after Samus for exterminating the entire metroid species for the 50 billionth time. Now some metroids are not tiny, not tiny at all. Metroid Prime from its namesake game fills an entire two story room. However, when you say Metroid to a fan, the first thing they think of are the little ones.

Vicious little space vampires that suck your life force dry, these foes are usually encountered late game, and are by no means instant death, but they drain your health faster than anything else in the game. Samus Aran, star of these critters titular games, is often tasked with killing all of them, over and over again. Despite their vicious nature and her indiscriminate genocide of their kind, fans always tend to remember the soft spot that Samus Aran had for one little baby metroid in Metroid II that was a major part of the plot for the best game in the series, Super Metroid (Metroid III).

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