Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Movies to Avoid: A Scanner Darkly

I'll admit, the cel-shaded animation drew me into this movie, along with the creepy title.  However, I was quite disappointed.  This movie about drugs, society, and conspiracies seemed like it was made for druggies.  The plot was hard to follow and in the end, not very interesting.  The animation was not used for anything more than cartooning people walking to work and stuff.  Overall, not worth the time spent watching it even.

This movie was based on a, probably far superior, novel by Phillip K. Dick.  I recently read a book by this author and it was good, but I don't think this book translated very well.  Either that or the book stunk.

Once more and with feeling... This movie is not even worth Pirating.

That's all mateys.

1 comment:

  1. A Scanner Darkly was a great book. It's not really supposed to be a sci-fi book...more a semi-autobiographical story about how drugs ruined the lives of Philip K. Dick and his friends.

    The plot twist in the movie also wasn't in the book.
