Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This review is technically a follow-up since I posted about this site before.

I would like to recommend this site for what it is.  This is the most active play-by-post role-playing game community I have ever found.  That's a mouthful so let me break it down.

Role-Playing Game Community
I'm not talking about Final Fantasy.  I'm talking Dungeons and Dragons.  It's not just limited to DnD though.  I've seen plenty of Exalted, GURPS, BESM, and many other role-playing systems represented.  Don't want to buy a book?  I've also seen several free-form (discussed later) and homemade, or "homebrew" as gamers call it, systems represented as well.

Myth-Weavers provides an exstensive and very functional forum in which players discuss things and play games.  Every game set-up through their system receives its own personal forum moderated by the GM.  However, Myth-Weavers rules prevents organizing games that are to be played through an alternative means of communication.  In other words, all gaming has to be done on their site.  They seem to enforce this rule as well as they can too.  As I said though, their site is functional enough on its own to facilitate most gaming.

Most Active
This isn't saying much.  Online RPGs, especially Play-by-Post, are prone to stagnating and dying.  Some players, even if they say otherwise, don't have the patience to keep up with a game that only updates once a day or less.

HOWEVER, Myth-Weavers has the most professional and most active group of online RPGers that I have ever encountered.

In conclusion, if you are interested in playing a RPG online, I recommend that you try www.myth-weavers.com  It's free, it's easy, and it works.

-End Myth-Weavers Review-

Note: Freeform Role-Playing Games

I would like to 'advertise' the enjoyable style of gaming called Freeform RPGs.  Freeform RPGs goes back to the roots of story-telling.  It's like writing a novel together.  The process is simple.  The GM will have a setting prepared.  Players will design appropriate characters based on the setting.  The GM will then give players scenarios and the players will then explain what their character will do.  GM will respond with reactions from NPCs and the environment and present more scenarios.  Essentially, it's DnD without a book, dice, or stats of any kind.

Freeform RPing is well catered to Play by Post.  In fact, I would imagine that it would be much more awkward in person.  Freeform removes the game system that would be cumbersome to PbP, but requires more thought in order to act as your characters would.

Much like Myth-Weavers, Freeform gaming is free, easy, and it works.

Until next time fellow pirates.