Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sake on Tap

Back on the distant planet Reeva...

Arriving on the planet Reeva, we began our search for a cure to a terminal disease in the most logical location: a bar.

So, a pirate and three girls with multicolor hair walk into a bar.  I forget the punchline, but we sat down and I quickly started to feel uncomfortable.  I couldn't figure out why.  It wasn't my guests they were easy on the eyes to say the least.  It was the crowd at the bar.  They all looked vaguely Asian, but that wouldn't have bothered me.  They were all wearing darker clothes.  It was normal looking attire, but it was blacks, dark reds, and blues.  Mostly black clothes.

Our waitress came up wearing a kimono-like dress.
"You're not a pirate are you?"

"Ha, ha, heh, nonono no.  Not me, I'm just a friendly merchant."  I did not want to be found out that I was a pirate.  Normally I didn't care if people knew or not, but something was incredibly wrong here.

Ash turned to me, "So Captain Bob Citrsk.  Going to buy us girls a drink?"

I had managed to get access to my bank account.  I think I understand who stole my identity a few years ago to take money out of my account.  It was me, but that's all the better.  The less paradoxes I create the better off I'll be.  I still didn't want to pay for three girls drinks though.  That's a lot of money!  What was I gonna do though, say no?

"Of course, I can't hardly say no to you Ash."

"Not if you want a ride back to Kattox, that's for sure."  Ash said with a wink.

I continued looking around the room.  I noticed how observant and focus all the customers were, even if they were doing something else.  There was something wrong here and I still couldn't put my finger on it.

Then I saw one of the customers reading a newspaper with one hand and in the other hand he was fiddling with... a shuriken.

The waitress came back.
"The manager has asked that you not return to this bar.  You can stay for today, but this is a ninja-only bar and civillians aren't typically invited."

Great.  Surrounded by ninjas.  I needed to get out of here, it wouldn't be long before one of these ninjas smelled my pirate-ness or however they tell.  They can always tell.  I was about to ask the girls to get out of dodge with me, but all of a sudden the show started.

"Hello ninjas and ninjettes.  My name's Mitarashi and are you ready to rock!"

Might as well stay for the show I suppose, we had already ordered drinks after all.  I decided to ask our friendly waitress for info.

"We're looking for someone who knows how to heal Ask Reeves. You know anyone?"

"Well, Otto might be able to help you.  He knows healing jutsu, but you'll have to ask Mitarashi."

"The girl on stage?"

"No, the one on the moon." The waitress rolled her eyes in exasperation.

As the waitress walked off, she began mimicking me.
"Naw, no I'm not a pirate, durh."